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Energy Regulation

Masters degree in Economic Regulation & Competition Policy.  8 years with Ofgem, most recently responsible for security of supply & the capacity market.  Vice-chair of ACER's Electricity Working Group & chair of Ofgem's Stakeholder Engagement & Consumer Vulnerability Panel.

European Markets

Currently CEO of the European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET).  Formerly UK member of ACER's Board of Regulators and CEER's General Assembly & Consultation Manager with ENTSO-E.  Involved in developing Europe's market related network codes.

Government Policy

Deputy Director, Climate & Energy Trade & Europe for the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) from 2018 to 2020.  Led planning for various EU Exit outcomes, including being part of the team that negotiated an energy chapter.  Extensive ministerial experience.

Energy Transition

Extensive experience of developing policies to enable the energy transition.  Including regulatory regimes for offshore wind, reforming balancing markets, interconnector policy.  Able to see issues from multiple perspectives and develop and sell innovative solutions.

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