About Me
I've spent 18 years in energy and love the challenges posed by a sector that can have a positive impact on all our lives. I'm particularly interested in the role of markets in driving the energy transition. When I'm not thinking about electrons I'm also an unsuccessful but determined village cricketer, a proud uncle to Andrew and Alice, and a grateful husband to Marta.
Copley Energy Consulting
Mark has worked across British and European energy markets for 18 years. He has sat on the Board of Regulators of ACER & CEER, was responsible for security of supply at the UK energy regulator (Ofgem), chaired Ofgem's stakeholder engagement and consumer vulnerability panel, developed network codes for ENTSO-E and negotiated the UK's new energy relationship with the EU. He currently acts as the CEO of the European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET) and provides consultancy advice to a small number of clients.